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Reminder: Payment for plan renewal happens on Day 26 for the next cycle. Hence, request to terminate must be sent at least 7 business days prior to the end of the billing cycle to prevent next renewal charges.

1. I understand that this termination form can be used for termination of one or more accounts under my name. In including multiple numbers in the above, I am applying for the termination of all the numbers I have stated. 2. I declare that all the information stated in this form is true, accurate, complete and is not false or misleading. I declare that the signature on this form is my signature and has not been signed on my behalf by any other person (Except in the event of death of the account holder, an authorised representative may sign on behalf of him/her. A copy of death certificate must be submitted together). 3. I acknowledge that by completing this form, SIMBA will proceed to terminate the abovementioned account(s)/number(s). I agree that SIMBA shall not be liable in relation to the termination of the account(s)/number(s) that I am requesting in this form. 4. I acknowledge that the termination request must be submitted at least 7 business days prior to the end of billing cycle to prevent renewal deduction. SIMBA will process the termination in the next end of the billing cycle if request is submitted thereafter. All payments made are non-refundable or exchangeable for cash. I understand that I may continue to use the mobile account/number until I receive the termination confirmation email. 5. I declare that I do not intend to port out the above number(s). I understand that the mobile service providers require the mobile number to be active until successful port in. My SIMBA account will automatically be terminated upon successful port out from SIMBA. 6. I acknowledge that I may proceed to discard the SIM card(s) upon successful termination. 7. I consent to SIMBA collecting, using and disclosing my personal data included in this termination form for the purpose of processing the termination of my SIMBA account(s)/number(s).

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